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哈珀说没时间搞阴谋 明早见总督救政府(图)

【北美在线 NAOL.CA/NAOL.US】 2008/12/03









A coalition government backed by "separatists" would not help Canada in the face of a global economic crisis, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in a televised address Wednesday night.

In his five-minute, pre-recorded statement, Harper spoke bluntly against the proposed Liberal-NDP coalition, saying the federal government must stand unequivocally for keeping the country together.

"The opposition is attempting to impose this deal without your say, without your consent, and without your vote," Harper said, beginning at 7 p.m. ET.

"This is no time for backroom deals with the separatists. It is a time for Canada's government to focus on the economy and specifically, measures for the upcoming budget."

The address to the nation came hours after Harper accused Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion, who would head the proposed coalition, of working to weaken Canada by signing a pact with the Bloc Québécois to bring down the Conservatives. The Bloc is not an official member of the coalition but has agreed to support it for 18 months, should it take power.

In a pre-taped rebuttal broadcast shortly after Harper's address, Dion defended the notion of a proposed coalition government "as normal and current practice in many parts of the world."

Moreover, the Conservatives have lost the confidence of the majority of members of the House of Commons, meaning "they have lost the right to govern," Dion said.

The back-to-back addresses were the latest in a political crisis that threatens to topple the minority Conservative government — a prospect Harper has vowed to prevent at almost all costs.

Harper pledged Wednesday night to use "every legal means at our disposal to protect our democracy, to protect our economy and to protect Canada."

He will visit Gov. Gen. Michaëlle Jean, who returned to Ottawa on Wednesday from Europe, Thursday at 9:30 a.m. ET to discuss the issue, although it was not immediately clear what Harper will ask her to do.

Harper has invited the premiers for an economic summit on Jan 16, increasing the likelihood that he will seek to prorogue Parliament and suspend the current session until January, when his government would present its budget.

In his address, Harper said the Conservatives have invited the opposition parties to offer specific suggestions for managing the economy, and even adapted some of its own proposed measures to assuage opposition concerns.

"Unfortunately, even before the government has brought forward its budget and only seven weeks after a general election, the opposition wants to overturn the results of that election," Harper said.

Dion said a coalition government, however, would enable the kind of co-operative action needed to steer Canada through the current economic chaos, noting that similar efforts were being made around the world to overcome ideological differences.

"Leaders are working to cope with the recession to bring forward the kinds of investments that will help their people and their economies," Dion said. "Rivals are working together. Why not in Canada?"

He noted that both the Bloc and the Green parties have agreed to support a coalition Liberal-NDP government on matters of confidence. Three of the parties — the Liberals, NDP and Bloc — signed a coalition accord on Monday.

The fate of the Canadian government depends on how Jean decides to handle the political crisis.

Jean must decide whether to call an election should the Conservatives lose next Monday's vote of confidence, allow the proposed Liberal-NDP coalition to govern or allow the Harper government to suspend the current parliamentary session to avoid a political showdown.

Talk of a coalition government was triggered when Finance Minister Jim Flaherty delivered his fiscal update last Thursday.

Opposition parties blasted the Tories for failing to include a stimulus package for the slumping economy and accused the party of using tumultuous times to try to push through ideologically-driven measures they said attacked women and public servants.

The mini-budget originally proposed a three-year ban on the right of civil servants to strike, limits on the ability of women to sue for pay equity, and eliminated subsidies for political parties.

The Conservatives have since promised to present their budget on Jan. 27, with the suggestion it will contain a stimulus package, and have eliminated some of the most contentious issues from the fiscal update.

The coalition has vowed to make a stimulus package a priority, proposing a multibillion-dollar plan that includes help for the auto and forestry sectors.

The coalition would have a 24-member cabinet with six New Democrats and 18 Liberals and would operate with the support of the Bloc Québécois for at least 18 months.

With 77 Liberal MPs and 37 New Democrats, plus the support of 49 Bloc members, the three parties have more seats than the 143 held by the Tories.


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