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美佛罗里达女子枪杀儿子后自杀 摄像机录全程(图)

【北美在线 NAOL.CA/NAOL.US】 2009/04/08  分类:美国警匪

  北美在线(NAOL.CA/NAOL.US): 美佛罗里达女子枪杀儿子后自杀,摄像机记录全程。







  据报道,作案凶手名叫玛丽-摩尔(Marie Moore),现年44岁。当天,玛丽-摩尔带领儿子米切尔前往卡塞伯利Shoot Straight射击训练场。米切尔还以为他们两人是要在下午练习枪法。在他集中精力准备射击时,身在他背后的母亲玛丽举起一把左轮手枪,瞄准儿子的头部开枪。米切尔当场倒在地板上身亡。随后,玛丽也饮弹自杀。



  据悉,玛丽曾多次有明显的自杀倾向。7年前,她在Shoot Straight射击训练场自杀未遂。此后,她被限制进入该训练场。目前,警方还尚不清楚她是如何在此处租到枪支。

  Marie Moore left notes, audio tapes apologizing for murder-suicide

  'I had to send my son to heaven and myself to Hell.'

  Notes left behind by a woman who shot her son Sunday and then took her own life leave no doubt that her actions were planned in advance.

  "I'm so sorry," Marie Moore wrote in one note. "I had to send my son to heaven and myself to Hell."

  All three notes were written to "King," and that note and one other were signed "Failed Queen."

  Family members found the notes and audio tapes late Monday and turned them over to police, Casselberry deputy police Chief Bill McNeil said.

  McNeil said investigators still have not determined while the woman killed her 20-year-old son, Mitchell, at the Shoot Straight range in Casselberry and then shot herself, but in two of the notes Marie Moore, 44, wrote: "I had to save my son."

  She apologized for what she did before she did it, McNeil said.

  The horrific shooting was captured by security video at the gun range.

  Moore explains in the notes that she signed over the title to her truck, left the keys in it and also left behind $7,900 cash and a check.

  "I'm sorry King thats all thats left," she wrote in one note. She went on to write: "Save yourself you go to heaven with Mitch I love you forever & ever."

  Mitchell Moore died at the scene and his mother died a short time later at Florida Hospital Altamonte.

  On audio recordings left for her family, police and gun range owners, Moore apologized for what she had done, but said God commanded her to do it. She said God made her the 'Antichrist,' and that she must die to save her boyfriend, son and the world from violence, and her mother, father and brother from hell.

  "You have a gun, you can do it," she said God told her while she was in a mental hospital. "I have to die and go to hell so there can be a thousand years peace on Earth."

  Her fate made no sense to Moore.

  "I don't know how all this happened. It's not in the Bible," she adds later. "No forgiveness for me. That's not in the Bible. The Antichrist being a woman."

  "At one point in the video you can see Mitchell Moore firing his pistol down range," Casselberry officer Jeffrey Shumway wrote in his incident report. "Marie Moore walked up behind Mitchell Moore and pointed a revolver at the back of his head and fired a single shot. The act appeared to be deliberate.

  "Mitchell Moore immediately went down from the shot," Shumway wrote. "Marie Moore then placed the pistol in her mouth and fired a single shot."

  The murder weapon was a gun rented from the shooting range.

  There are restrictions about gun ownership in some cases of mental incompetence, but that would not stop a person from renting a gun at a shooting range, McNeil said.


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