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【北美在线 NAOL.CA/NAOL.US】 2008/04/26


下面是多伦多市政府关于TTC罢工期间的紧急对策以及10种替代方法 ,



2。分享驾车 ( check www.carpoolzone.ca )
4。使用GO Train (http://www.gotransit.com / www.yrt.ca)



本来在市中心找车位本就不易,在罢工期间,市府应急规定很多主要干道禁止停车,比如Yonge、Bloor、Eglinton、Finch Bayview 等上的很多路段禁止停车,详情请见:








Ten Alternatives To The TTC During A Strike

Friday April 25, 2008
CityNews.ca Staff

So it's finally come to this: a TTC strike set to start at 12:01am Saturday. For many the question is 'what will I do if it happens?' The lucky ones live close enough to their workplace that they can walk or manage to get there with a little inconvenience.

But most of us come from a long way away - and we're stuck. Here are the top 10 alternate ways to get from here to there and back again without the Better Way, along with an assessment of the pros and cons of each.

1) Drive There

This is undoubtedly the route most car owners will be forced to take, causing massive gridlock on the roads. But at least you'll know you'll get there. Eventually.

The good: You'll be close to where you need to be and you can leave whenever you want.

The bad: Finding a parking spot downtown isn't easy and during a strike when there are about a million more vehicles on the road, it could be downright impossible. Expect the best places to be taken early. And beware of some unscrupulous lot or homeowners offering to rent you a spot for jacked up prices, something that happened the last time. Already high gas prices could go through the roof as demand quickly outraces supply. Not that they need an excuse to soar.

2) Carpool

For many, the best plan, although for the driver, the problems listed above still apply.

The good: It's a pollution reducer, squeezing more people into one vehicle instead of having each one get there separately. And you might actually arrive on time.

The bad: You suddenly find yourself on someone else's schedule and you have to leave early or late depending on who's doing the driving. You can't always go when you want if you're dependent on a lift. One person's tardiness can destroy your schedule. And finding someone who's going your way at the time you need to be there isn't always easy.

Several services try to help. Check out some of the resources below to find a ride near you or post your own request.


3) Temporary Car Rental

There are several places that allow you to rent a car for a few hours or a few days and drop it off at one of their other locations.

The good: You can drive downtown and not worry about having to park. And a car will be waiting for you when you're ready to go.

The bad: You have to sign up first and there's a fee involved, often including a pricey membership deposit. You also have to pre-register and it may be a few days before you can get access to one of their vehicles. So it won't help you on day one of the strike unless you've planned in advance.

Plus, there's no guarantee one of their drop off points will be near where you need to be, potentially leaving you stranded - although a bit closer to work.

4) The GO Train

It's not a solution for everyone, but it will still be running and it's a good way to get downtown without a car.

The good: Some of the trains hit Union Station and that may be close enough for you to walk to your destination. And you can even get some reading in along the way.

The bad: If you're not close to a GO station, you might have to drive out of your way in the wrong direction to get to one of the terminals. But GO may not the other Better Way for everyone. A spokesperson tells CityNews.ca they're already using every single bus or train in rush hour and can't add any more. They're asking anyone who decides to use the system as an alternate to consider carpooling to their lots, because they're expecting them to be even busier than usual. And you may need extra time to allow for the bigger crowds.

5) Taxis

They can get you right to your door and back again.

The good: The convenience factor is the big plus here. Cabs can carry you right to where you need to be with no worries about parking.

The bad: They're expensive and the rides to and from uptown to downtown will put a dent in your wallet if the strike wears on - especially if your company won't help pay for it. And with 1.5 million people looking for another way to get where they need to be, hailing one at either rush hour could be a tall order.

6) Telecommute

Don't leave home and don't worry about the strike.

The good: You're already where you need to be the minute you get up. And depending on your living arrangements, you may actually get a lot more done. Phone, fax and email can make it seem like you're at the office.

The bad: Not everyone has the option and you won't necessarily have easy access to all your files, records and co-workers. Plus there's something about being in an office atmosphere that makes it easier to feel you're in touch and keeping up with what's coming next.

7) Walk To Work

Get ready for a long stroll.

The good: It's great exercise, it's free and it will give you an excuse to get out in the sun for a while.

The bad: This only works if you live within a reasonable distance of your workplace and if the weather cooperates. It also means you'll have to leave a lot earlier to get there and likely come home a lot later.

8) Cycling

A great alternative to the TTC in the summer and spring.

The good: More great exercise and they're easy to park. You control when you come and go.

The bad: Cyclists already know it's dangerous on the roads and with so many more cars out there during the strike it's only going to get worse. You can sometimes take side streets or paths to avoid the busier routes, but that will only make you even more late. And it will take longer to get to work overall. Plus, if you're not used to it, those hills can be a killer.

Toronto is already one of the most notorious places on the planet for bike thefts. Having more of them out there will only give thieves new targets, so make sure you have a good lock and a safe place to store your two-wheeler or you may find yourself using one of the other methods on this list when you're ready to go home.

9) Stay Downtown

This isn't an option for everyone, but if the strike is a short one, it might work for you.

The good: You're closer to where you need to be, you'll be fighting less traffic and you'll get back sooner. It's a chance to stay with friends, co-workers or family members and you'll get to see how the other half lives.

The bad: Living with a friend can put a strain on a relationship, even if it's just for a few days. And if you choose a hotel, you'll wind up paying a lot more for the privilege. Plus, there are none of the comforts of home.

10) Thumb A Ride

Last and certainly least. During the last big transit strike, many simply put out their thumbs and got a ride with well meaning strangers.

The good: Not much. You might meet someone interesting along the way.

The bad: Plenty. This method is not recommended by police and for good reason. You don't know whose car you're getting into and once you're inside, getting out isn't easy. The same thing applies if you're offering the ride - the stranger in the seat next to you may not have good intentions and you won't know until you're trapped in there with them.

Not only that, but even if you do choose this option, you'll still likely have to wait at the side of the road for a while before someone not paying attention to the above warning actually stops. And they have to be going your way. Risky, time consuming and generally not very safe.


City's TTC Strike Contingency Plan

Saturday April 26, 2008
CityNews.ca Staff

When a TTC strike appeared likely last weekend, the city of Toronto created a contingency plan in case things break down and the Red Rocket fizzles. It looks like that's happened, as the transit union walked off the job at 12:01am Saturday.

Any TTC strike always brings with it gridlock and endless traffic traumas. And with that in mind, if the strike continues into the workweek, there will likely be some big changes on the streets to ensure as many people can get by as possible. Keep in mind that this was the city's contingency plan as of last week, and the situation may change in the hours and days to come.

In the event of a walkout, parking was to be prohibited between 7am-7pm Monday to Friday for the duration in the following areas.

Avenue Rd./University Ave. between Lawrence Ave. and Front St.
Bloor St./Danforth Ave. between Jane St. and Victoria Park Ave.
Yonge St. between Front St. and Steeles Ave.
Eglinton Ave. between Allen Rd. and Brentcliffe Rd.
Bayview Ave. from Eglinton Ave. to Lawrence Ave.
Finch Ave. from Highway 400 to Jane St.
McCowan Rd. from Eglinton Ave. to Ellesmere Rd.
Lawrence Ave. from Markham Rd. to Brimley Rd.
The Queensway from Roncesvalles Ave. to Parkside Dr.
Reserved bus lanes on Eglinton Ave., Bay St., Fleet St., King St. and Pape Ave. were to become car pool lanes. And parking lots at 14 city community centres and arenas would be available free of charge, primarily for car pooling.

The TTC told Citynews.ca recently its commuter parking lots at subway stations would also likely be opened up to car poolers in the event of job action, but they have yet to firm up anything.




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