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【北美在线 NAOL.CA/NAOL.US】 2009/01/11 分类:社区 来源:TCCC

2009 Chinese New Year Gala

Organizer: 2009 Chinese New Year Gala in Toronto Organizing Committee
Beneficiary Agency: Toronto Community & Culture Centre (Charity No.: 88659 3854 RR0001)


Excellence Tribute Award: The Award Committee of Chinese New Year Gala in Toronto is accepting nomination for the following awards.
• 专业人士成就奖/Professional Achievement Award - The Award recognizes exceptional professional achievements in chosen fields.
• 优秀创业家奖/Excellent Entrepreneurship Award - The Award recognizes excellence of social and economic contribution of entrepreneur in service, industry, or education sector.
• 社区贡献奖/Community Contribution Award - The Award recognizes outstanding contributions to community building and services.
• 艺术成就奖/Artist Achievement Award -The Award recognizes outstanding achievement in culture and arts.
• 青年领袖才艺奖/Youth Leadership Award – The Award recognizes excellent community leader being no older than 35 years of age as of the date the award is presented at January 18, 2009)

Nomination: Nominations for the Award must be submitted to the Awards Committee of The Chinese New Year Gala in Toronto in writing and must be supported by at least two Awards Committee members.

Eligibility Criteria: The nominee must meet be a resident of Great Toronto Area for at least three years

Selection: The Awards Committee will consider each nominee on his/her merits and make recommendations to the Award recipients, who will be notified by telephone or in writing.

Presentation: The Award will be presented at Chinese New Year Gala in Toronto. Award
Trophy engraved with the title of the Award and the presenter of Toronto Community and Culture Centre.

• 社区义工奖/Community Volunteer Award – The Award recognizes community services and voluntary works. The nominations for the Award must be submitted to the Awards Committee of The Chinese New Year Gala in Torontoand must be supported by at least one Awards Committee members. Award Certificate with the Award recipient’s name, the title of the Award and the presenter of Toronto Community and Culture Centre.
• 社团组织推荐奖/Community Organization Presented Award - The Award recognizes organizational contributions nominated and presented by the community organization or association. The nominations for the Award must be submitted to the Awards Committee of The Chinese New Year Gala in Toronto. Award Certificate with the Award recipient’s name, the title of the Award, the presenters of the given organization and Toronto Community and Culture Centre.

Promotion: Award recipients agree to standard publicity notification arranged by the Award Committee which may include:
• One minute speech of each award recipient at the Gala;
• Pictures of award recipient and biography printed in Gala Program;
• Pictures of award recipient to appear in TCCC Website and News Prints.

Date, time, location and ticket price of events:
1. Date and time: 6:30P.M. – 10:30 P.M., Sunday, Jan. 18, 2009
2. Location: Yiu Wah Restaurant, 421 Dundas St. W, 3/F , Toronto
3. Ticket prices: $100 per person for regular ticket: $150.00 per person forVIP ticket

Kathryn Dou (窦小姐) 416-971-7883 Dr. Jian Guan (关键教授) 647-403-1822
Simon Zhong (钟先生) 416-576-9506 Weiqi Zhou (周维奇) 416-412-3777
Michael Chen (陈伟) 647-282-4928 Herman Yuan (袁浩彬) 416-666-8288

电子邮件/E-mail: tcccto@yahoo.com 传真/Fax: 416-971-5519



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